miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014


the zombies are people raised owing to spell of a vudú religión or some kinde of witch.
When this happens, the living dead will transform in the slave of the witch.
This is the original idea of the zombies, but on 1968, George Romero filmed the movie “Night of the living dead” about zombies canibals, Since this movie, we changed our perception of the zombie person, in general doing an associating whit monster eaters of brains.
I dont remember the first time when i Heard about them, really i didnt had looked a lot of movies about zombies. My relation more nearby whit the zombies was in the computer game “Plantas versus zombies”.
The objetive of the game is protec your house of sotrong waves of zombies who wants to invade it. To achieve it you have to buy a lot of plants antizombies and put it in the garden.
I think the history of the zombies dont exist in the real Word, and im very grateful about this.
If the zombies have walked for the Street i will be very scared every day and dont  go out of my house again.  NEVER.
I dont belive the zombies are cool, they are rares, uglies, nasty and terrorific.
I discrept of their way of live, this opinon can be ethnocentric, but even so, i hate them.

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