miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

my future?

Sadly the holidays was finished, so we have to come to the university and write post again.
Today I’m going to tell you about my future, but I don’t know what can I tell you exactly about it.
In the present I’m confused whit this topic, because I’m not sure what happened whit me the next year.
I love my career, I like the classes and learn a lot of new things, but the idea of to be an anthropologist or archaeologist don’t make me completely satisfy.
A lot of that graduates works for big companies, mainly approving theirs projects.
Definitely I don’t want to do this things, if I end my career, I’m going to do different things.
They work in things of my interest, and can travel for amazing places and meet new people and cultures. They can do it a big investigation and generate new knowledge for the world.
All that things are so funny, but I’m not sure about the utility for help whit something useful for the word. I know the knowledge is important for create conscience, but I think I want to do something more directly to “change the world”, yes, is an utopia, but in the world are a lot of things to do for transform it in a best place.
My other option for the next year is study pedagogy, because I would like to work whit kids and learn different pedagogic methodologies, show them knew things and help they to reflex.

Maybe I’m in a vocational crisis…

6 comentarios:

  1. Hello
    I don't think that sounds utopian. If we can change things, maybe we can not bear the world's.. problems but from our position we can trying to do things better and change something

  2. Hi! I want to go to different places and meet many people. I hope you can do :)

  3. I'm forever in vocational crisis! jajaja... but I think that the more important is that you be happy with your decisions.

  4. is very tipical that in first year the anthropology students don`t know nothing about our future jajaja Don`t worry! :)

  5. Sorry to hear you are on a crisis, but I'm sure you'll overcome and find your way! All the best!

  6. The important thing is to do something you really like. If anthropology is not your thing, try something else :)
