miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014

last post!!

Hi classmates! How are you? I feel fine because the end of the semester is near to us :D
I’m happy for start in my first year whit English, because now, I can get more free time in the future.
I think this experience (the post) has been a good opportunity for loosen my hand in the English writing.
I can see a big change since the beginning of the year to this day. In the beginning, I can’t write anything without google translator, but today the words come to my brain more fast and whit less insecurity.
Nonetheless I am aware about my deficiency about the grammar en the conjugations of the verbs in different times.
In my case, I be faced whit this language only in the university. First, all Wednesday in this classes and secondly, whit the text aforementioned, but in the case of the text, is not a real faced, because I try to undertand it, but I cant, even whit google translator.   

I suggest is so much necessary for us and our immediate needs learn to read text. 
In ours careers, we have to read a lot of required text for the signatures, and this has become a problem, because we don’t have reading comprehension.
By the above, I propose for the next classes of English, focus in the needs of the students, like translate text germane whit the university.
I know about the importance of learning to talk and write correctly, but we need whit urgency understand the university text.
Maybe we can ride in class text appropriate for our English level and then increase the level, to finally acquire the tools for read for ourselves the text for the exams.  

miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2014

this year

Hi classmates! Today I’m going to talk about this year, specificity in the university, because this is the thing of this year that I memorize when I grow up.
2014 was complete new for me. In March, I star whit a new kind of rhythm studies, because this is my first year in the university.
I go out of a Montessori school, and the methodology used for teaching is really different. Secondly, my class was composed only for eighteen teens, but when I start my first semester in the university I be faced whit more than one hundred of classmates! I can’t memorize all their names yet, and that is so estrange for my.
When I enter here, I expect have a “university horary”. This signifying for me have more free hours, but definitely I was wrong. Now I’m customary to the rhythm of the university, but I expect that November finalized quickly for have holidays.
Of course, when I enter to study anthropology, I expect stay in the career, but in the second middle of the year, I decide to change my way the next year.
Despite this, I don’t take this year like “lost time in my life”, because in it course, I make new good friends and learn a lot of things, not only speaking from the academic aspect. I had known about politic collectives, investigation lines, ore an other kinds of organizations. I’m agree whit some of them and disagree whit others, but all the things serve for have a more informed opinion.

In conclusion, I thing this year was important for me and my personal development J

miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014


Hi classmates, I’m happy about can see an interesting video in the class, and you?
To be honest, I have to put all my ears and concentration for understand the video, but I thing that I can capture the principal ideas of the woman.
The woman says that categories today are less important than before. Before you can’t access for one content for your own, but today we can escape for ours “demographics restrictions”. We don’t need a company who tell us what to do, for this reason, the traditional company’s are worried about the social webs.

This situation have positives and negatives aspects. Its negative because the administrators of socials pages can know about ours likes, friends and moves, but is positive because we have the “freedom” for decide what and when do it.
Now we are classify for our likes and personality, not for our sex, age, economic situation, etc.
The statistics says that the woman dedicate more time than the mans to stay in social pages. This case, for the opinion of the author of the conference, means that woman will be contracted for the social companies for give a correct assessor about the likes and dislikes of the woman world.
I`m agree whit the author about the web pages help whit the  destructions of classify  people according stereotypes and give more power of decisions, but this not significate that we are really outside of the demographics restrictions. When we search information in google or videos in YouTube, we found different things of Peru, EEUU or China. Hence, the freedoms that give us the social pages is only an illusion.

miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014


I’m not considerate me a person addicted to facebook, but is true that when I turn on the computer, I sitting at facebook. It’s an habit that I have gained whit the time.
Only in special occasions I write on my wall, because I hate the people who write all the things of their day, like “eating spaghetti” and a picture of the dish.
More than review the post of my friends in “inicio”, I love see theirs photos, especially of their travels.
I upload my photos too, and I get happy when facebook inform me about a comment or a like in my photo.
Now, in my university life, I use a lot this page for keeping informed about the activities of the career.  This site is not created whit only this objective, but is very useful for that. To me, it’s one of the best sites to socialize and communicate whit friends and classmates.. 
In the web site, the career has created a lot of groups, for my part, I am inserted in the groups of “antropología generación 2014”, “mechones antropología u.chile 2014”, “línea de antropología de la educación” and a lot of different groups related whit my new career, they invaded my account whit notifications!! 
Whiteout the groups in Facebook, I couldn´t find out about the events, reunions, assemblies, etc. Neither could read the translations of the texts in English or the summary done by my adorable classmates.

miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014


Hi classmates! Today I’m going to talk about the environment and their cares.
All of us know about the importance of take care the nature and the life of the earth, but we are consequence about it?
 Nature is our life, if we don’t have any forests, rocks, trees, plants, fruits, animals and many more things, the whole world might die. If we don’t take care of nature we might die, because trees gives us oxygen and clean air, plants give us beauty to the world and food, fruits give us vitamins and minerals and forests are the home for a lot of kind of lives.
For take care the nature and reduce our carbon footprint, we can put conscience in everiday things, like use the minimal volume of water, turn off the lights, use the public transport or a bike and recycle our trash.
I don’t have a car, hence I don’t contaminate the planet whit this element.
In my house, we have recipient to recycle plastics, paper and paperboard, cans and tetra packs.
When I start to recycle, I aware about the amazing volume of trash produce only in one house, believe me, is more that you think.
However, I should better in others of my habits for don’t cause so much damage in the planet, for example, when I take a shower. I don’t take a long shower than my sister, but I know that I use more of the necessary time.
I think it's not that easy to recycle in Chile, but this is not an excuse for not do it. If you search a possibility you can found it, so we have to take the initiative and use a space of the day for worry about ours customs.
If we continue contaminate we might have an end! so take care of our nature and our world.