miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014


I’m not considerate me a person addicted to facebook, but is true that when I turn on the computer, I sitting at facebook. It’s an habit that I have gained whit the time.
Only in special occasions I write on my wall, because I hate the people who write all the things of their day, like “eating spaghetti” and a picture of the dish.
More than review the post of my friends in “inicio”, I love see theirs photos, especially of their travels.
I upload my photos too, and I get happy when facebook inform me about a comment or a like in my photo.
Now, in my university life, I use a lot this page for keeping informed about the activities of the career.  This site is not created whit only this objective, but is very useful for that. To me, it’s one of the best sites to socialize and communicate whit friends and classmates.. 
In the web site, the career has created a lot of groups, for my part, I am inserted in the groups of “antropología generación 2014”, “mechones antropología u.chile 2014”, “línea de antropología de la educación” and a lot of different groups related whit my new career, they invaded my account whit notifications!! 
Whiteout the groups in Facebook, I couldn´t find out about the events, reunions, assemblies, etc. Neither could read the translations of the texts in English or the summary done by my adorable classmates.

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